Shopify Updates AUP to Ban Certain Firearms and Accessories
Recently, Shopify updated their AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). This update featured some major restrictions on firearms and certain firearms parts that can be sold on on the e-Commerce platform. From Shopify's AUP, the following restrictions now apply to certain firearms and firearm parts:
Certain Firearms
an automatic firearm that has not been rendered inoperable
a semi-automatic firearm that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine, with one or more of the following items:
- magazine capable of accepting more than 10 rounds
- bump stock
- rapid fire trigger activator or trigger crank
- barrel shroud
- thumbhole stock
- threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer
- grenade or rocket launcher
- flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer
- pistol grip (or in the case of a pistol, a second pistol grip)
- forward pistol grip
a semi-automatic firearm that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds
firearms without serial numbers
ghost guns and 3D printed guns, including blueprints for such guns
any part, component or kit for any firearm or gun listed above
Certain Firearm Parts
80% or unfinished lower receivers
magazine capable of accepting more than 10 rounds
bump stock
grenade or rocket launcher
pistol grip (or in the case of a pistol, a second pistol grip)
forward pistol grip
barrel shroud*
thumbhole stock*
threaded barrel capable of accepting a flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer*
flash suppressor, sound suppressor or silencer*
rapid fire trigger activator or trigger crank
any part, component or kit for a firearm part or including a firearm part listed above
*only if for use with a semi-automatic firearm
These changes closely mirror the strict gun laws currently in effect in California and several other blue states.
The new restrictions will force many retailers to make major adjustments to what they sell on their Shopify store, or to leave the platform entirely in favor of a less restrictive choice.
Franklin Armory, a prominent retailer of firearms and firearm parts, recently posted a press release detailing these changes and the ramifications that they are already having on the industry. It can be found here.